This is what people get for supporting GMO seeds and lab-grown meat ??!!
Well, if you have seen the epic movies such as “Running Man” (1987) or “Hard Target” (1993) then you have seen the future of entertainment and voyeurism and transformation of fox hunting and trophy hunting into something cannibalistic.
Why not? We have seen it in suburbs, we have experienced it in corporate offices— we bully, backstab, double-deal, cheat, lie and get to the top of a pile of crabs until some other more ambitious crab pulls you down. Reminds me of a book artwork of Conan the Barbarian standing on top of a pile of human skulls.
Dive right in, dive into the selfish debauchery and age-old circus freakshow lifestyle.
Enhanced Games — who will benefit from the ‘drug friendly’ sports?
Experts feel that there are health risks with the performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and the claims to allay the concerns through extensive medical check before the events will not suffice.
Enhanced Games that claims to be an alternative to the Olympic Games has stirred a debate about its utility, with opponents saying that this was in gross violation of sports ethics and integrity. However, leading investors, venture capitalists and high-net-worth individuals are reportedly backing the 'new Olympics', saying this is the future of sports.